Chiropractic Care for Everyone


My child isn’t in pain, why would they need to see a chiropractor? The answer is simple, being a kid is HARD! Now I am sure that you are questioning the truth to that but the foundation we set for our children sets them up for the rest of their life. Think back on your childhood and all the falls that you took, traumas you accumulated, and sports that you played. Now think about how your body feels now. On top of the physical changes that happen with growth, kids deal with traumas from birth (even the easiest birth leads to misalignments from the intense pressure involved), learning to walk, playing sports, chemical (hormonal) changes as they grow, along with emotional and societal stressors as well.

Chiropractic care for all kiddos is important so that their nervous system can handle stressors that life throws at it. This ensures they can live their best life while growing, developing, and reaching their milestones!

Not only can chiropractic care help with misalignments or injuries, but can also lead to improved sleep, better behavior, and optimal brain development in kids as well.

Pregnancy & Postpartum Care.

In the nine short months of being pregnant and growing a tiny human, your body goes through many changes! On top of that take into consideration the birthing process, being responsible for a new life, and getting to know your new baby - it is a lot to process and can be overwhelming!

Chiropractic care throughout pregnancy has been shown to result in a better sleep, posture support, injury avoidance, smoother delivery, and faster labor recovery.

Family Wellness.

Chiropractic care is a natural treatment that focuses on the balance of all the body’s systems (muscular, skeletal, and neurological) which allows it to heal and function properly.

It’s not just for those that have pain but is also extremely beneficial for those that suffer from constipation, digestive issues, headaches, numbness or tingling, reflux, sciatica, sleep trouble, stress, the list goes on!

I am not in pain so why would I need to see a chiropractor? Just because you aren’t in pain or feel sick doesn't mean you feel as great as you could. Far too many people wait until they are in pain or sick to seek care. The actions we take every day can slowly create problems that may not show symptoms right away. What we eat, our posture, the work we do, and even our emotions can have long term effects on our health! Health is about the body functioning correctly rather than just feeling “good” or “ok”. If your nervous system isn’t able to properly communicate, your body won’t work as well as it could!